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Get Your Smudging On!

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Get your smudging on | The Gypsy Blog

How to get your smudging on

Benefits of smudging

Smudging is a practice commonly associated with Native American traditions but has also been adopted by various other cultures and spiritual practices. It involves the burning of specific herbs, with sage being one of the most commonly used plants for smudging.

Sage, particularly White Sage (Salvia apiana) or Desert Sage (Artemisia tridentata), is considered sacred in many indigenous cultures. The smoke produced when sage is burned is believed to have purifying and cleansing properties, both on a physical and spiritual level. Here's how smudging with sage is typically performed:

  1. Materials: To smudge with sage, you will need a smudge stick, which is a bundle of dried sage leaves tightly bound together. You can either purchase a ready-made smudge stick or create one by bundling dried sage leaves and tying them together with a string or thread.

  2. Setting your intention: Before you begin smudging, it's important to set your intention. This involves clarifying your purpose for smudging, whether it's to cleanse a space, clear negative energy, or invite positive energy.

  3. Prepare the space: Open windows and doors to allow any stagnant or negative energy to exit the space. You may also want to create a fireproof container, such as an abalone shell or ceramic bowl, to catch any falling ashes.

  4. Ignite the sage: Hold the smudge stick by the unbound end and use a lighter or a candle flame to ignite the other end of the bundle. Allow the flame to burn for a few seconds, then blow it out, leaving the smudge stick smoldering and producing smoke.

  5. Smudging yourself: Begin by smudging yourself. Use your hand or a feather to waft the smoke towards your body, starting from your feet and moving up towards your head. You can also gently brush the smoke over your body using your hands or a feather.

  6. Smudging the space: Walk around the space you want to smudge, moving in a clockwise direction. Wave the smudge stick in the air, ensuring the smoke reaches all corners, areas, and objects. Pay particular attention to doorways, windows, and areas that may hold stagnant energy.

  7. Clearing objects: If you have specific objects you want to cleanse, such as crystals or spiritual tools, you can pass them through the smoke to clear any negative energy attached to them.

  8. Closing the ritual: Once you have finished smudging, extinguish the smudge stick by pressing it gently against a fireproof surface or by smothering it in sand or soil. Express gratitude for the cleansing and purifying energy you have invited into your space.

It's important to note that smudging is a spiritual practice, and cultural sensitivity and respect should be exercised when engaging in these rituals. Additionally, ensure that you follow fire safety guidelines and use caution when working with burning herbs or flames.

Benefits of Smudging

  1. Air purification: Burning certain herbs, including sage, has been found to have antimicrobial properties. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that smoke from medicinal herbs, including sage, helped reduce airborne bacteria.

  2. Smoke as an insect repellent: Some research suggests that burning herbs, including sage, can act as a natural insect repellent. The smoke released du ring smudging may help deter certain insects, such as mosquitoes and flies. However, the effectiveness of smudging as an insect repellent may vary.

  3. Psychological effects: While not specific to smudging, there is scientific research on the psychological effects of burning certain herbs and incense. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology found that participants reported reduced stress and increased relaxation after exposure to incense smoke.


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