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Writer's pictureGoddess Guru

Chakra Clearing

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Now that most of you have become knowledgeable on chakras, grounding, etc, I have put together an easy guide you can use when beginning this helpful meditative practice. I highly recommend to do this in nature w bare feet; it can be sand, grass, water, even concrete as long as its not painted so you can ground the energies that are entering the planet.  There is a reason why outlets are placed by the ground, if the energy isn’t grounded the circuit, just like our bodies will be overloaded and burn out. Your body will be a portal of higher light to enter through and ground into the planet.

  Begin by taking three breaths in and out to connect to your body. You will begin with your first chakra which is your root chakra located at the base of your spine. You can place your hands over each center and visualize the clearing; breathing white light into each chakra clearing the front and back of each center.  Most of the chakras emit from both the front n back of spine excluding the root chakra which is straight down/up, the third eye ( above middle of eyebrows goes all directions) and crown chakra up and down. No need to worry if u r doing it right, some start by only being able to Bring attention to each area, some may see the colors, others may just feel it, and that’s Great. Your body is stoked to build a rship and communicate!

Ask to have all higher dimensional beings, archangels, ascended masters to intervene and funnel a tube of white light to protect. Intend to only allow entities/energies of highest good that have your best interest and all of humanities/Gaia’s in mind to enter. Command all lower dimensional illusions, fear base programs, manipulations, karmic contracts /chords cut and void in all dimensions time and space, along with any mind control /tracking devices to be removed automatically.


  1. Red: (root chakra base of spine connecting u to earth)I am rooted,I belong here simply because I exist! I have unlimited prosperity and abundance as it is my divine birth right, and I activate my divine blueprint NOW!   The gravity that’s held me every day has always been there and I take comfort in that. I BELONG HERE!

  2. Orange: (sacral, few inches below belly button) Both My masculine n feminine energies r balanced  in pure harmony n bliss.  I protect and honor my sexual center as this is where I give n receive the most information . I protect it and only allow the highest of frequency to emit and enter. All lower dimensional information will be removed by me automatically.

  3. Yellow: (power chakra few inches above belly button) I AM ALL POWERFUL, My power comes from Divine and it is important i use it to better myself n all of humanity! I am Empowered and am energized by empowering others! I am divine and limitless!

  4. Green: (Heart chakra)My heart is open and strong. I give unlimited unconditional love and and receive it with an open heart. I was created in pure love and I continue to create through Love!  I Feel this love and am so blessed and thankful to have an unlimited supply to give, and its important I allow and embrace this love so I may  continue to emit Love to all in all dimensions time and space.

  5. Blue: (throat chakra) My word is valuable, what I have to say is Important as it comes from the Divine. I speak  the truth to better my life and all of humanity, and it is important that I speak it. I intend to speak only words of love and healing specific for each individual. My  words will be communicated specific to each individuals  understanding so they can integrate healing energies in the best way for them .

  6. Indigo: (third eye) My ancient eyes of Horus r open and strong! My pineal gland is  decalcified and activated now! My antenna to the divine Channel is open and strong! I trust my intuition wholeheartedly as it is connected to the divine channel. (Start w middle of brain the pineal gland and visualize the indigo light going out in front of you, back to pineal out the back of your skull, back to the pineal, out to the left of skull back to center, out the right side of skull back to middle and then straight up to your crown chakra.)

  7. Purple: ( crown chakra top of head) My crown chakra is open and strong. I trust the divine has my best interest in mind and take comfort in that wholeheartedly! My connection to Universal higher consciousness is open and free flowing.  My higher dimensional self and light body is now rooted .  I am connected to all higher dimensional beings that have my best interest n all humanities in mind.

** Picture a funnel of white light all around u from the sky down. Drop chord of light from root to bottom of feet to center of earth connecting you to her crystalline core. Intend to activate the inner sun,  activate Gaia’s grids and ley lines, and balance the tectonic plates. Intend to clear all chakra points on the planet and heighten Gaia’s frequency to the highest her physical body can handle at a time. Intend to clear the Land, Air,  Oceans and thank Gaia for housing u and keeping u safe! Send love from the heart chakra and intend all souls in all dimensions time and space to feel and receive these healing energies. Have white light come up from the core of earth to your heart chakra feel the love n send out through ur crown outside of this planet around the whole solar system galaxy multiple dimensions and planes connecting all way to the inter galactic sun. Thank Your body for housing your soul and never questioning its functions, and staying healthy. Feel and Say everything u r blessed and grateful for .

* Intend all words, thoughts and actions to be for the highest good for you humanity and Gaia. Ask your angels to keep your thoughts pure and to freely communicate with them.

*Intend :

    I declare With the Almighty Divine within ME to clear and open all chakras, to activate my 12strands of DNA and light filaments,and to activate my  64 codons. I ask to operate in Divine will not Ego will.  You can also visualize your funnel of white light is inside a bubble and any denser frequencies you come across will splatter on the orb w out affecting you in any way. We are rooted as ONE, and so it is!

Be creative and feel free to change any words to make it your own in a way that best resonates for you, ENJOY!

NAMASTE babaaay! 😉

-Goddess Guru


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